Amazon Gift

Improve the Gift Finder and Gift Planning Experience to save users time and reduce return rates.


  • Product Design (UI/UX)

  • UX Research


  • Figma

  • Google Survey

  • Google Analytics

  • Maze


  • Quantitative & Qualitative Research

  • Persona

  • Brand Identity

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping

  • Usability Testing

  • Iteration


  • 80 hours

  • June - July, 2023

  • Prospect Project



67% Participants Find It Stressful to Look for a Gift

Survey Question: How do you feel when looking for a gift?

21 participants open research participants of all ages, men and women

71% Participants Feels Finding a Gift is Like Full-time Job

Survey Question: What is the average time you spend looking for a gift?

21 participants open research participants of all ages, men and women

How might we help users minimize the time spent on finding the gift?

How might we help users find the gift STRESS-FREE?


What is Amazon Gift?

Amazon Gift (Feature Added) is a technology connecting people to improve gift finding experience, reducing the stress and time consuming of finding the perfect gift.


Why Did I Create Amazon Gift?

My best friend Olivia's constant complaints about the struggles of selecting and planning gifts

I am beyond thrilled to share the story behind this incredible project that has taken shape because of my best friend Olivia's constant complaints about the struggles of selecting and planning gifts.

We all know how busy life can get, and finding the perfect gift can be daunting.

Other competitors like Target, and Walmart don't sell Amazon Gift Card

Walmart, Target, and Costco do not offer Amazon gift vouchers for purchase, indicating that these retailers are unwilling to support Amazon's expansion in the retail sector. This suggests that Amazon needs to further improve its gift feature to attract more users.

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None of the Third-party Apps Associated with Amazon or It’s Direct Competitors Offer a Gift Finder Tool

I analyzed both direct and indirect competitors to understand market trends and consumer behavior, which supplements my research and helps develop my ideas.

View Competitor Analysis



Simplify the Idea Into the 3 Steps

I have simplified the process into 3 easy steps that take approximately 3 minutes to complete. These steps include finding the perfect gift, selecting an inspirational item, and setting a budget.


3 Clicks for Most Trending Gifts

I have designed the process of finding a gift according to user interviews of getting the gift into 3 easy clicks according to occasion, type of gift, and budget.

Design Thinking Process

Utilizing Design Thinking in UI/UX case study offers a user-centered approach to solving design challenges and achieving objective goals.



Revealing Needs with Qualitative Research after Identifying Problem from Quantitative Research

In order to gain comprehensive insights into the existing products, I conducted remote one-on-one interviews with anyone ranging from 18 to 50 years old. The primary objectives of these interviews were to ascertain the following:

  1. The current approach to how users process of finding a gift goes

  2. Identify the tracking and reminder of users finding and managing gifts.

  3. The predominant frustrations and pain points are associated with finding and managing the gift.

The results were later quantified to determine the top six factors.

Users Quote:

“I once forgot to bring a gift for my best friend Ollie's birthday. She thought I had forgotten about her, and it was embarrassing to attend her birthday party without a gift.” -J.M

“I search online on Google and around my home for gift ideas, but knowing my recipient preference is tough. Also, researching and reading reviews takes time, and I often spend more time than planned on the search, and it's frustrating.” - J.C

“I require assistance with budgeting in order to create accurate budgets. Typically, I plan to spend $30 on gifts, but end up spending over $50.” - Y.O


Align the Goal of Users to Find a Gift in a Shorter Time and Gift Management System that Functions as Reminder and Budget Tracker

Through analyzing my research findings, I created a fictional character that represents the main challenges and objectives that my designs need to address. This approach helped me identify the most important aspects to focus on and clearly convey them to the Amazon Gift team.


Discovered that None of the Third-party Apps Associated with Amazon or It’s Direct Competitors Offer a Gift Finder Tool

Through analyzing my research findings, I created a fictional character that represents the main challenges and objectives that my designs need to address. This approach helped me identify the most important aspects to focus on and clearly convey them to the Amazon Gift team.


Improving Gift Finding Experience and Reducing Return Rate

I gained a thorough understanding of the users and then created a diagram that outlines the business goals and the user goals while also keeping in mind technical limitations. The main focus is to bring innovation to the users in the most efficient way possible, saving them time, effort, and money. As an E-Commerce platform, the main objective is to enhance the business and maintain customers.


Connecting Users with Easy Gift Finding

Once I established the project goal and completed my research, I utilized my ideas to develop a feature that assists users in selecting a suitable gift in just three minutes. Additionally, I incorporated a gift calendar management system within the feature to enhance the gift-finding experience and manage their gift schedule.


Expressing a friendly and inviting visual identity

My goal is to create a logo for Amazon's new feature that has a strong connection to the brand and it’s offerings. I use Amazon signature orange and add a touch of purple for a sense of mystery. This will boost customer loyalty and drive business growth.

Test & Implementation


Implementing Feedback

Test Parameters

My objective was to assess users' ability to complete essential task flows and confirm the accuracy of my assumptions from the research phase. I aimed to identify any potential issues with navigation by observing any hesitation, confusion, or difficulty experienced by participants. I prepared qualitative questions to understand, ranging from the landing page to the gift finder step with qualitative and qualitative questions.

After conducting usability testing, I implement A/B testing to optimize user engagement by providing options A and B for users to choose from.


As the testing only required adding a feature and introducing a new page. There were no issues with the unmoderated test via Maze. The test was successful, but users spent time navigating the page due to the new feature. The minor found that some colors and buttons must be extended like any color. Indeed, the system's functionality was clear and comprehensive. Finally, utilizing the A/B testing gives the user a better perspective on which design is easier to navigate and finalize.


Lessons Learned

At the beginning of this project, I considered using an algorithm to help buyers find the perfect gift with minimal information. However, I realized that users needed a more comprehensive management system, including a planner, budgeting tools, reminders, and inspiration for trending gifts. To address this need, I developed a feature that allows users to create a custom page that aligns with their goals of increasing revenue and reducing returns. By incorporating technical considerations, this feature fosters collaboration between the user and business objectives. Overall, this project taught me the importance of research, avoiding assumptions, and the ability to expand and implement ideas for a successful UX design.


Designing a feature for an "Amazon" came with its own unique set of challenges due to user and business challenge. While working within Amazon Gift's design system also guided my vision in understanding both user, business, and tech goals.

Next Step

Although the current design cycle has ended, I am already anticipating the chance to plan improvements for the next iteration. Once the initial build is completed, I will take all necessary steps to ensure progress.

1. Conduct another round of usability testing

 I need to confirm if the design changes made in response to the first test have effectively resolved the usability issues that were identified.

2. Explore adding an onboarding flow

Before launching the adding feature in a live environment, this feature will provide users with guidance on how to use the app.