I am Grace Gwe

Before I became a UI/ UX designer, I spent 4 years as a health educator.

As a health educator, I enjoyed collaborating with both patients and healthcare professionals, serving as a connector and problem-solver to achieve mutual goals.

My main responsibilities included identifying, planning, assessing, and evaluating outcomes for both individuals and the business.

Found technology gap in the community

Volunteering at the local library in Flushing, New York, where many middle-aged patrons still struggle with understanding technology, gave me valuable insights into the inclusivity of modern technology. By assisting them with basic computer skills and internet navigation, I realized the importance of designing technology that is accessible and intuitive for all age groups.

This experience reinforced my belief that technology should be more diverse and inclusive, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or familiarity with digital tools, can benefit from it.

Design and puzzle are my first love

My love for problem-solving and puzzles, combined with my passion for art, inspires me to be a UX designer. This unique blend allows me to create functional, aesthetically pleasing solutions that enhance user experiences.

Why UX and product design?

When I moved to the United States, I still carried a fear of fully embracing design. It wasn't until I met a friend who introduced me to UX design that I discovered a new path.

This encounter helped me see how I could blend my love for art with my interest in society, technology, art and problem-solving. It was a turning point that transformed my fear into excitement and set me on the path to becoming a UX designer.

More about Grace

🌏 Born in Jakarta, previously lived in Singapore, Vancouver, and New York

🌵Currently called Phoenix home

📖 Pursuing M.S User Experience at ASU

🏃🏻‍♀️Loves working out indoor such as CrossFit and Pilates

☕Needs two cups of coffee as per day

🐕Mamu of two fur-babies (oodlu and ugu)